Forums - How to beat a Cable with a Zangief. Show all 45 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- How to beat a Cable with a Zangief. ( Posted by HungryJ on 08:21:2000 08:40 AM: Okay, I have had it with you damn nazi's always saying Zangief would lose in this fight. This is so wrong. BACK HIM UP WITH A SPRITE. For example Serv-bot, and that rush he does, goes under anything and can trip cable while the stupid fool is doing VB, their is no need to jump into him with this on your side, screw combo's SERV-BOT ASSIST to FAB or throw. Remember peeps, Zan also has the dash catch. WHEN YOU CATCH HIM, BITE HIM, or throw him. BUT BITING IS BETTER. I have beaten every Cable player with my Zangief, so you guys should stop calling him so crappy! If he deicdes to jump in standing roundhouse his ass then short air-throw. You can also lariat him and FAB or Throw him. Cable is easier to beat than you think, you just need serv-bot on your side. /ubb/cool.gif Or some sprite with a mean projectile. All you do is never jump into him, thats where he wins with his keep away. P.S.S It's always good to keep a beamer in the group, or a shooting sprite that isn't is small as serv-bot, so when he does a in the air but close to the ground AHVB then you can take him out and get close. JUST STOP SAYING ZANGIEF SUCKS. P.S.S.S IF you would ever turn into mecha zangief on a character like this, you shouldn't be playing this game. HJ ------------------ "I'm not a hero, I just like to hit people on the head." -Nelson Munts "Sometimes the cure for a big ego, is a little failure." -Anonymous Posted by HotKola on 08:21:2000 09:11 AM: The use of Gief's "dash." It's slow as hell, sure wouldn't catch a blind person. Standing roundhouse as Anti-air. WTF? No one throws with Gief on purpose when he has a SPD. But you probably can't handle the 360. After you've used up all your 3 characters and finally killed cable, how are you gonne deal with the other 2? I can play Gief decent enough yet I still lose to a novice Cable, esp. w/ assists. He can't handle it. Too much room to move whereas Zangief needs to get in. When he can get in he's shut out by whatever assist. Then you have to try to move back in. You aren't doing damage, he's chipping you to death. Posted by Mouko on 08:21:2000 09:15 AM: ZANGIEF FUCKING SUCKS IN MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2 GET OVER IT. Stupid scrub how does Gief do any damage to Cable? What if I play Turtle cable with Cyclops assist. You try to get close, I throw out cylcops and then you eat Air Hyper Viper Beams. Peace out Zagief. Come to milpitas Golfland, i'll play your gief with my cable, i'll put money on it. 10 to 1. stupid scrubs...miggity mouko ------------------ Peter "Mouko" Nguyen ~Part of the Unofficial Team Milpitas Golfland~ Posted by HungryJ on 08:21:2000 09:30 AM: Well Zangief doesn't suck. And the other two, I beat with the other two characters. His dash is as slow as hell, but the damn serv-bot rush is so fast you can keep pulling it off. I throw on purpose, comboing or fuckin around will get you killed faster. And the standing round house, to his air throw is great. You should try it. Also, when cable players get close enough to use the scimitar, or try too, or the time flip. FAB HIS ASS, or to kill him off good, do the level three (I think its siberian blizzard.) And for you people that have to say a character sucks and nothing else. Don't call me a fuckin scrub cause you have nothing better to say, just cause I am new at posting has nothing to do with my skill in the game. Oh yeah, you should throw on purpose because it is faster than his Spinning Pile Driver, I called it a throw, cause it is, and because it when from atomic power bomb, to everything as I remember it, and if you where decent with Zangief then you would know you don't have to do the full 360. HJ ------------------ "I'm not a hero, I just like to hit people on the head." -Nelson Munts "Sometimes the cure for a big ego, is a little failure." -Anonymous [This message has been edited by HungryJ (edited 08-20-2000).] Posted by triptacon on 08:21:2000 09:32 AM: You want to back up Zangief with a pixie...kobun? You think kobun is going to save the day against Cable? Kobun is a pixie and will take on a ton of damage. A Cable player is going to have an anti-air, and that will deal with a Kobun assist. I can't believe you said that you use Zangief's dash. The other player could probably taunt twice before that thing whiffed the grab and you would eat multiple supers. You have listed some of the worst tactics for a gief player to use against Cable. Oh, one more thing...Zangief sucks in this game. Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 08:21:2000 09:36 AM: What's the point of using Zangief on Cable though? Its like lifting weights with your pinkie. Posted by HungryJ on 08:21:2000 09:38 AM: I also said you might want to keep a beaming character, or an Anti-air for those cyclops pulling bastards!. I dunno like ice-man, or even war-machine cause when the son of a beep pulls a stupid cyclops stunt you can whip him out with a repulsor blast and an air throw. So people don't get me wrong. Posted by Mouko on 08:21:2000 09:45 AM: To HungryJ quote: Well Zangief doesn't suck. uh.yes he does quote: And the other two, I beat with the other two characters. His dash is as slow as hell, but the damn serv-bot rush is so fast you can keep pulling it off. throw out serv bot. I will Air Hyper Viper Beam him, you can't retaliate because gief has no beam/projectile.Peace out serv bot. quote: Also, when cable players get close enough to use the scimitar, or try too, or the time flip. FAB HIS ASS, or to kill him off good, do the level three (I think its siberian blizzard.) And for you people that have to say a character sucks and nothing else. oh no you got it all wrong. If you are close enough to do a FAB/SPD/WHatever, I will call cyclops, hit you out of any attempt, then AIr Hyper Viper Beam you, peace out. quote: Don't call me a fuckin scrub cause you have nothing better to say, just cause I am new at posting has nothing to do with my skill in the game. Fucking scrub Stupid Scrub Miggity Mouko Fucking Scrub...Miggity Mouko Stupid Scrub...Miggity Mouko Stupid Fucking Scrub...Miggity Mouko ------------------ Peter "Mouko" Nguyen ~Part of the Unofficial Team Milpitas Golfland~ Posted by HungryJ on 08:21:2000 09:51 AM: Jeeze, I pity fools like you Mouko, I also said bring a beamer. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING SHORT KOBUN IS. You can't catch him with that cable bull shit. Plus, you wouldn't knock me out of it if you were close enough to pull friggin, Scimitar, and I also said bring out an assist then do it, so when you dipshit of a Cyclops comes out he gets nailed. Besides the fact that I would catch you with the FAB when your that close, or and SPD, when you get hit your assist cancels. But then again I am a scrub right. Shut up man, you just know how to flab your gums. HJ. Anyone with less harsh stupidy care to comment? ------------------ "I'm not a hero, I just like to hit people on the head." -Nelson Munts "Sometimes the cure for a big ego, is a little failure." -Anonymous Posted by Mouko on 08:21:2000 10:46 AM: quote: Jeeze, I pity fools like you Mouko, I also said bring a beamer. unless that beamer is cable, I have no fear. quote: DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING SHORT KOBUN IS. You can't catch him with that cable bull shit. stupid scrub. mash on the punches and hold the stick down, kobun is shot..peace out quote: Plus, you wouldn't knock me out of it if you were close enough to pull friggin, Scimitar, and I also said bring out an assist then do it, so when you dipshit of a Cyclops comes out he gets nailed. I throw out cyclops, if you get hit, I super you. If you dont, I jump back and start beaming..and you get pushed back. You can do shit to Cyclops, if you try I will super you. Whee..again, Gief is back where he started.. quote: Besides the fact that I would catch you with the FAB when your that close, or and SPD, when you get hit your assist cancels. um, no, you see. If you are in any range to get hit by my cyclops, I will throw him out. Cyclops Beta assist moves foward then up, which is a long range. So if you try to get close (longer than your SPD/FAB can reach) I will throw out Cyclops and you CANNOT get close. You throw a helper to stop my cyclops (which I won't btw, he's nearly invincible) I do a super. Your helper dies. quote: Shut up man, you just know how to flab your gums. HJ. don't you mean "wiggle my fingers" or some stupid shit like that? ------------------ Peter "Mouko" Nguyen ~Part of the Unofficial Team Milpitas Golfland~ Posted by God_of_Poop on 08:21:2000 10:51 AM: hunrgyJ u are an idiot my friend like what mouko said cable and cyclopes has everything on grief and u do u even know how to do the AHVB right? AHVB can and will each kobun if u know anything Posted by blade on 08:21:2000 03:20 PM: nice <IMG SRC="/ubb/smile.gif"> blah [This message has been edited by Javi (edited 08-22-2000).] Posted by blade on 08:21:2000 03:23 PM: King Kurt --------------------------------------------- Javi strikes again! [This message has been edited by Javi (edited 08-22-2000).] Posted by Black Rain on 08:21:2000 05:46 PM: Hey put up a Gangrel pic /ubb/cool.gif Posted by Zechs on 08:21:2000 09:07 PM: If you think zangief sucks then your are either a hardcore Cable user or someone who hasnt played against a good Zangief player. Cable will decimate zangief everytime, there is nothing zangief can do, so never have zangief go against cable. BUT, zangief against anyone else (my zangief) can lay some smack down, mainly cause A. you can throw out helpers, B. you have the option of turning into megazangief. You have neither of these options against cable cause cable will just kill your helper, and megazangiefs punch cant get through to puch cable through a HYper viper beam (super jump air punch to get over super beams). Zangief does NOT suck in this game. ------------------ up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start [This message has been edited by Zechs (edited 08-21-2000).] Posted by TS on 08:21:2000 09:51 PM: Zangeif needs to get close to be effective, and Cable's game is all about keepaway. However, Cable is better at playing keep away, than Zangeif is getting close to him. So Cable wins. Also, what if the Cable player super jumps and hits you an AHVB in the head before he jumps out of range? Last time I checked, you can't trip people when they're off the ground. However, I don't play Kobun, so if the assist you're talking about has some sort of vertical range too, let me know... Posted by HotKola on 08:21:2000 11:05 PM: HJ: quote: Don't call me a fuckin scrub cause you have nothing better to say, just cause I am new at posting has nothing to do with my skill in the game. I never called you anything. But now I just might. quote: Oh yeah, you should throw on purpose because it is faster than his Spinning Pile Driver, Faster, but has no freaken range and does no damage. Can be mashed out of. Why are you playing zangief again? His whole game is to land his 360's quote: I called it a throw, cause it is, and because it when from atomic power bomb, to everything as I remember it, That made no sense, even combined with all of your comments. Zechs: quote: If you think zangief sucks then your are either a hardcore Cable user or someone who hasnt played against a good Zangief player. Cable will decimate zangief everytime, there is nothing zangief can do, so never have zangief go against cable. BUT, zangief against anyone else (my zangief) can lay some smack down, mainly cause A. you can throw out helpers, B. you have the option of turning into megazangief. You have neither of these options against cable cause cable will just kill your helper, and megazangiefs punch cant get through to puch cable through a HYper viper beam (super jump air punch to get over super beams). Zangief does NOT suck in this game In MvC2 where evryone picks Cable, I'd say Gief sucks. The only thing he has going for him is possible the lariat. SPD/FAB does nothing to the big guys. He couldn't get in on a beamer if he wanted to. If it wasn't for assists he'd be decent against pixies. For a big guy he can't take damage either. Mech? He'd be pushed back, slowed down by all the crap coming at him. When you get in, you're already dead. Posted by Zechs on 08:22:2000 12:07 AM: Ok, Let me just Reiterate that Zangief has NO chance against cable so its best not to use him against a cable team. Which is why I dont use him as often. But Zangief IS a good player, jump in knee/ or d.Fp (belly flop on oppenent) and if he blocks grab him, no block go into air combo(small example there). When in megazangief mode key thing is to get near the oppenent so super jump, fierce punch when your near him and throw out helpers. Many people dont realize the long range of his SJ FP. It nocks oppenents out of many supers (especially ryu's fireball super,) Megazangief destroys pixies, has a kinda rough time with beamers (especially cyclops, never turn mega on cyclops) but can have an unexpected advantage against some beamers. One of the best uses I make out of zangief is as a helper (throw type, ground is good but through is better IMO) . I use ryu in my team to deal with cheap (effective) keep away asist (I'd rather not use cable). So when zangief graps the guy, super fireball connects or (if close enough) go strait into an air combo from there. Works pretty good. Works even better when i use megazangief as a helper. ------------------ up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start Posted by SaBrE on 08:22:2000 02:22 AM: Just face it, Gief loses to everyone in this game! If you think geif has a good chance against most players, then you are just fooling yourself and you are probably just playing scrubs that are worse than you...I mean WTF?!? you're gonna jump in and do a Knee or D+fierce, i block, and you throw? yeah right! good luck ever trying to get that on a good player, ill just block the jump attack, soon as i block it, i jump. if you play smart, ill just push block instead then gief has to start allover in trying to get to me. gief just cannot win. his odds are like 98723947892374 to 1 on beating a top teir character. and its like 982734928374 to 1 against anyone in the mid tiers. just face it, gief cannot win. hes only got good assists. but its not worth it if he sucks when hes out there fighting.. hes just not good, if i lose to a gief, man i will quit playing mvc2. \\// OUT Posted by The boy who ate fire on 08:22:2000 03:17 AM: all i can say is...zangief sux...don't use him any more... p.s...the picure of kurt angle is gay Posted by Ultra Z on 08:22:2000 05:13 AM: I'm new to the forum but I can play Zangief against any character in the game. It's taken me since X-Men vs. SF to get this good. To beat a good Cable with both a beam Cyclops assist and a Ken Hurricane Kick assist you have to do several things. First, team him with a good anti air assist and a good projectile or dash assist. Then, comes the actual fighting. He has several ways of getting close. 1. Aerial Russian Slam. 2. Super Jump. 3. Dash quickly followed by a forward jump(This will slingshot him a good distance). 4. Banishing Fist(not as effective as the other three but still works). Only try to get close after using a projectile, beam, or dash assist. Make sure you arrive at your opponent while they are still blocking. The ARS works well since he can attack or block in the air right after it. Don't use the super jump if you are a full screen away. You'll only land in front of them or get taken out of the air. Instead, take a few steps forward or dash then super jump. This is so you can land on the other side of them possibly creating an opening. Initiate these get close tactics after they have used their assist and tried to protect their assist character. There is a little lag after a VB so you can try and get close. You may have to do it two or three times before you create an opening for attack. Also, try not to attack the assist character too much. This can and will get you beat up. I could go into greater detail but this is just a post. Hope I've been helpful. Posted by God_of_Poop on 08:22:2000 05:33 AM: I hope someone deletes this topic Guys wake the fuck up! Cable has everything on gief i know some of u seem obsessed with gief but guys cable owns geif i dont carewhat he has cable always owns gief ADMIT FUCKERS CABLE OWNS GEIF and no not the stupid cable player bam bam bam hyer beam shit no i mean AAA into AHVB ADMIT CBALE OWNS GIEF its like saying in starcraft Zerglings rape firebats Posted by HotKola on 08:22:2000 07:38 AM: If you count mineral wise, cracklings rape all they can attack. You should've compared to say, lurkers where there's no contest=) Posted by Ultra Z on 08:22:2000 08:20 AM: This topic wouldn't have gone on so long if all you Cable players would just admit your not invincible. But I suppose that would be asking too much. This post wasn't even for you Cable freaks anyway. It was for Zangief players who might need help fighting Cable. I bet most of you guys who talk all this noise actually suck and just don't know it. That's alright, I know how good I am and that even the best of you can be beat with Zangief or any other character I choose to master. Posted by nemesis on 08:22:2000 09:01 AM: well... cable players say that cable wins against gief... and gief players say that they beat cable... i have seen giefs beating cables and cables beating giefs... so... its all about skill¡¡¡ (and... cheap... refering you know who) where i play and in many other parts i play too, a great part of cable players(now ex cable players) are playing without him, 'couse his cheap tecnique is sooooooooooooooooooooo monotonous that with all the practice against them the skilled players find million of ways to beat them, but im not saying that cable sucks¡¡¡ there are still very-hard-to-beat cable players, and that gives a lot of challenge to the game¡¡¡ i don't know what would all cable players will do when capcom take out another episode of vs series, where there isn't cable or cable is turned into a balanced player, i don't think cap guys will make the same mistake two times... they learned the lesson... but... there is a long time to wait... but meanwhile lear how to handle with cable, is not such dificult =P "those who fear to darkness have never seen what light can do" Posted by God_of_Poop on 08:22:2000 10:16 AM: hot kola: true crackling rape everything but i was talking like 2 firebats vs 3 zerglings and shit no upgrades no mirco and shit Posted by God_of_Poop on 08:22:2000 10:20 AM: BTW i see 2 kinds of people here in this post: people who actually know shit about think game i.e swordsman hot kola chocbo and people who only see cable players bam bam bam hyper beam guys go to any golfland i.e South hills or the other one mouko goes to and try to win with geif cmon try it play my cable with zangief cmon try it and no i dont pick cable everytime for that matter and i know spiral rapes cable like cable rapes gief so once again ADMIT FUCKERS CABLE RAPES GIEF!!!! [This message has been edited by God_of_Poop (edited 08-22-2000).] Posted by DaCajun on 08:23:2000 12:14 AM: I am A Gief fan, but in marvel vs. capcom. In number 2 he doesn't suck, its just that everyone is better than he is. so in short, use zangief moderatly, and always have cable to back him up. ------------------ Don't Mess Wit Da Cajun Posted by TheWholeFnShow on 08:23:2000 11:26 AM: I only read half of the replies, but I'll give my insights. Zangief does not suck, BUT he can't handle Cable that has a good assist. I think the ONLY way Zangief can beat Cable is IF he has a good assist to back him up AND Cable doesn't have back-up. That alone still is tough for Zangief. Great quote from Mouko - "kobun is shot..peace out." The thought of that seems cruel and unusual. Who'd shoot a lego man? ------------------ "EC f'n W!" - Tommy Dreamer Posted by Ultra Z on 08:23:2000 12:02 PM: When used with as much experience as I have all my methods work. Even on AHVB crazed people such as yourself. To tell you the truth, I usually don't even use Zangief to kill Cable. However, when I do wind up fighting him with Zangief I don't get beat down. If I do lose to him it's usually due to time. I guess trying to tell any of you Cable players that Zangief can beat you is like trying to tell a drunk they have a drinking problem. In both cases the person isn't going to listen even if it's true. Posted by TS on 08:23:2000 12:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ultra Z: When used with as much experience as I have all my methods work. Even on AHVB crazed people such as yourself. To tell you the truth, I usually don't even use Zangief to kill Cable. However, when I do wind up fighting him with Zangief I don't get beat down. If I do lose to him it's usually due to time. I guess trying to tell any of you Cable players that Zangief can beat you is like trying to tell a drunk they have a drinking problem. In both cases the person isn't going to listen even if it's true. Look here. I don't even PLAY Cable. At all. But it seems to be pretty obvious, to everyone but you, that Zangeif is at a disadvantage. I'm not saying Cable is invicible- to say that anyone is invincible, especially in a game like MvC2, is just stupid. I'm just saying, that Zangeif is at an immediate disadvantage against Cable. Let me put it this way. V-ISM Ryu vs X-ISM Dan, SFA3. Dan is does a lot more damage, in general. But, Dan has zero ways of getting in close to a V-Ryu, and can't do much without getting hurt, so there goes his advantage. Ryu also has better moves. Now what you're doing, is saying that X-Dan beats V-Ryu, because he does more damage. But he can't get in close, and he can't do as much as Ryu could, with the saftey that Ryu does. Ryu also has crap he can pull that Dan doesn't have anything close to. And you claiming that your X-Dan could beat my V-Ryu (God's X-Dan couldn't beat my V-Ryu, if my Fierce Punch was broken), just makes you sound a little scrubby. The point is, admit that Cable has an advantage, but feel free to maintain that your Zangeif is good enough to beat local Cables. (my apologies to God about that X-Dan comment...) [This message has been edited by TS (edited 08-23-2000).] Posted by Zechs on 08:23:2000 08:02 PM: Geif beating top tier characters? well let me just get a short top tier char list from another post and compare a couple zangief fights. [/B][/QUOTE] QUOTE]Originally posted by Mouko: I hear you. You cant make a freaking list of good characters by playing your little bro. And save up for B5 man <IMG SRC="/ubb/smile.gif"> Here's my opion on top characters: (in no order) 1. Cable (instand Air Hyper Viper Beam X 5) 2.Doom (Beta assist, good air combos, photon array aka pink shit keep away, j.fierce) 3.Spiral (knives, more knives..and more knives, instant teleport) 4.Strider (ouro, solid combos, strider/doom trap) 5.Sentinel (j.fierce, j.short-j.rh-rocket punch, army men super-s.fierce-army men x 5, high damage given, little taken, air mobility is way.too.good) 6.storm (fast meter builder, solid, damaging combos, run away) 7.Dhalsim (infinite run away..too good) 8.Blackheart (beta assist, air dash rh's, air dash rh infinite, j.fierce, meteorite special into Heart of Darkness..too good) 9.Glitched Jugg (8 hit headcrushed on Helpers..peace out..nuff said) [/QUOTE] 1. Cable = one aggravated and dead zangief. 2. Doom = Pink shit, Pink shit , Pink shit , you could go to mega on hit but the would mean even More pink shit. Zangief loses. 3. Spiral = One dead spiral. Hah! thats one top tier char dead. oh yeah some evidence to back up my talk : Spiral would through swords all day against zangief, so Turn megazangief if she throws a sword shes gets a fierce punch in the face. She has her teleport to get around but still zangief wins. 4. Strider = Tough call, heh, zangief alone would do alright, mega zangief would do even better. In the end i think it would come down to skill. 5. Sentinel = "high damage given, little taken, air mobility is way.too.good" sentinal wins. 6. Storm = Ow, storm wins. 7. Dhalsim = Dhalsim? man, maybe i should learn him. Not to sure, i havent seen this infinite run away, cant say i've ever faced an expert dhalsim player in MvC2. 8. Blackheart = Megazangief , go around punching blackhear out of all his moves/supers while getting close for an Atomic buster. 9. Juggernaut = No mistakes while effectively geting in close gives an expert zangief the win. the regular atomic buster works great against him. (one mistake and its bye bye though) (btw this is considering that these fights are one on one.) so , Zangief can take on three of these top tier chars (spiral, blackheart, and juggy, (iffy stider/ dhalsim).IMO! Zangief is NOT a worthless char in this game! ------------------ up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start Posted by StiltMan on 08:23:2000 11:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by Ultra Z: When used with as much experience as I have all my methods work. Even on AHVB crazed people such as yourself. To tell you the truth, I usually don't even use Zangief to kill Cable. However, when I do wind up fighting him with Zangief I don't get beat down. If I do lose to him it's usually due to time. I guess trying to tell any of you Cable players that Zangief can beat you is like trying to tell a drunk they have a drinking problem. In both cases the person isn't going to listen even if it's true. Small problem: it _isn't_ true. If you're actually beating Cables in your area, then the Cables you're up against suck. If you're playing Zangief against Cable, and you win more than one game on a fluke out of twenty (if that) then the person on the other side of the machine has no clue how to play Cable. Let's say that Zangief is up against a Cable that has meters full and Cyclops for anti-air. If Zangief does, by some miracle, manage to actually get close, Cable calls Cyclops. Zangief is then pushed back halfway across the screen, well out of reach of Cable. If Zangief even thinks of touching Cyclops, he eats AHVBx3. If he calls a helper, the helper dies. Meanwhile, Cable can cheerfully jump around and throw viper beams to his heart's content. There is absolutely nothing that Zangief can do that won't get himself or his helpers killed against a good Cable. If this isn't your experience, then your Cables aren't good. End of story. Stilt Posted by Zechs on 08:24:2000 12:56 AM: Sad but true. Even when you switch to megazangief and try and SJ over to cable and punch him the HVB will cause Mega to pause him in space so that you wont reach him to knock him out of the super (a strategy I use against ryu). ------------------ up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start Posted by Mouko on 08:24:2000 01:23 AM: To Zechs Get a clue retard...lets see here quote: 3. Spiral = One dead spiral. Hah! thats one top tier char dead. oh yeah some evidence to back up my talk : Spiral would through swords all day against zangief, so Turn megazangief if she throws a sword shes gets a fierce punch in the face. She has her teleport to get around but still zangief wins. um no, you fail to realize that Spiral will play infinite run away on mech gief. His weakness, the big lug can't block. Therefore, Spiral with jump at him, Throw circle of knives, reactvate, repeat while Gief is still STUCK in the hit animation from the first then, then teleport. It's an EASIER game for Spiral. quote: 4. Strider = Tough call, heh, zangief alone would do alright, mega zangief would do even better. In the end i think it would come down to skill. no, it's a hands down win for strider. Strider is ALWAYS paired up with doom. Strider alone can fuck gief over, Strider/Doom fucks Gief over..and even worse, Doom and Dog throwing Strider will KILL Mech gief faster. quote: 7. Dhalsim = Dhalsim? man, maybe i should learn him. Not to sure, i havent seen this infinite run away, cant say i've ever faced an expert dhalsim player in MvC2. unless Gief has any type of anti air assist, Sim wins.. He will smack Gief from full screen away then just teleport all day. quote: 8. Blackheart = Megazangief , go around punching blackhear out of all his moves/supers while getting close for an Atomic buster. no, you cant, He will run away with his fierces and rh's and that will nullify any attempt mech gief has. WIth added helpers, Mech gief dies faster. quote: (btw this is considering that these fights are one on one.) oh ok, let me recap. Spiral wins because of circle of knives and teleport. Strider wins because of Ouro, Dogs/birds and teleport cross ups. Dhalsim wins because of ONE HIT he'll infinite run away you. BH wins because of all the shit he can put on the screen as for juggy, here I agree its a close game. quote: so , Zangief can take on three of these top tier chars (spiral, blackheart, and juggy, (iffy stider/ dhalsim).IMO! one. Juggy ------------------ Peter "Mouko" Nguyen ~Part of the Unofficial Team Milpitas Golfland~ Posted by soshi on 08:25:2000 06:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ultra Z: I'm new to the forum but I can play Zangief against any character in the game. It's taken me since X-Men vs. SF to get this good. To beat a good Cable with both a beam Cyclops assist and a Ken Hurricane Kick assist you have to do several things. First, team him with a good anti air assist and a good projectile or dash assist. Then, comes the actual fighting. He has several ways of getting close. 1. Aerial Russian Slam. 2. Super Jump. 3. Dash quickly followed by a forward jump(This will slingshot him a good distance). 4. Banishing Fist(not as effective as the other three but still works). Only try to get close after using a projectile, beam, or dash assist. Make sure you arrive at your opponent while they are still blocking. The ARS works well since he can attack or block in the air right after it. Don't use the super jump if you are a full screen away. You'll only land in front of them or get taken out of the air. Instead, take a few steps forward or dash then super jump. This is so you can land on the other side of them possibly creating an opening. Initiate these get close tactics after they have used their assist and tried to protect their assist character. There is a little lag after a VB so you can try and get close. You may have to do it two or three times before you create an opening for attack. Also, try not to attack the assist character too much. This can and will get you beat up. I could go into greater detail but this is just a post. Hope I've been helpful. Are you serious? Use the ARS against Cable?If he has meter(and he should not come in until his battery has been charged by someone like Omega Red or Spiral) then guess what happens? 3X AHVB on reaction. 'Gief dies. Dash in? That is way too slow. Again... 3x AHVB. 'Gief dies. Banishing fist.... oh I forget. AHVB? X3? I know, you said you'd use an assist to keep him pinned down, but any of 'Giefs options leave him wide open and Cable can and will AHVB both chars. Btw, he's not the only one with assists. Cable can use them too and cover his teammates a lot more effectively than 'Gief. Look, I really like 'Gief. He is a fun char, no doubt. But MVC2 is not his game. Before you spout off some more, travel. Go to a tournament. I've been to ECC in NJ for 3 straight years and each time it has been one Hell of a learning experience. You get exposed to strategies you might not otherwise encounter and see just how lethal some of the cast in a game can be. Tournaments are a real eye opener. Travel and learn. Good luck. Suresh Posted by Ultra Z on 08:25:2000 11:51 AM: TO ZECHS: You seem to be the only one who thinks Zangief is a good character in this game. I never said Zangief isn't at a disadvantage against a good Cable player. He is. But so are a lot of characters. Every time someone tries to tell me why Zangief would lose so badly to Cable it always has to be on the grounds that their Cable has between 3 and 5 levels of super. What if they had to waste all their super trying to kill one of my other characters? Any good Zangief player knows better than to put him against a fully loaded Cable anyway. I will, however, use him against an already hurting Cable. This evens out the odds a bit. I'm sure you will agree that Zangief players don't get wins by playing foolishly. We must be very careful or things can go very wrong very fast. I don't know about you Zechs, but I like to use Zangief because it's really challenging. It is by no means an easy win. I've got the perfect way for Zangief to beat Cable. Use the other two characters to beat Cable down until he's got just a hair of power left. Then use Zangief to finish him off. Think that'll work? I don't think anyone can argue with that, can they? Even if they can in the end my Zangief will still beat their Cable. That is what this whole topic is about, right? Posted by Zechs on 08:25:2000 08:50 PM: All valid arguments Mouko. Everytime i've faced a spiral user with zangief and turned mega the other player is like "wtf! now what do i do?" that sword stragegy probably would work on him but the key thing is to try and time hitting spiral with the jump. And knock her out of her swords. Yesterday I went to the arcade to practice my zangief and hulk for a tourny today. My first team I was practicin was with Zangief, practice the atomic busters (good connecting in the air bad on the groun). Along comes a good player with spiderman/cable/cyclops. He plays spiderman as his first char so im like hehe time to woop out mega. I switch to mega in the first second of play and then he proceeds to webclaw keep away, a Very good web claw keep away with helps, I manage to smack some health off the helpers but rarely hit spidey. I switch out and he proceeds to destroy my other chars with spidey's priority. I playd him once more like that and the same thing happens. I come back with hulk instead of zangief and fair much better, beating him that time and the next 5 times he challenged me. (megaman and ryu are also in my team.) It just seems that zangief is not tourny material. Ill try and use him against some pixy teams abusing his throw assist. But other than that I think I'll lay off of him. Also its just not worth having zangief trying to beat cable, even if he is at low health . Just have another char finish him. ------------------ ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! Tornado Holdo! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! ey! Posted by triptacon on 08:27:2000 06:34 AM: It's not just Cable that Zangief can't beat; he also can't beat anyone with Doom as their call in and especially flyers. Like I said before...Zangief had his day in MvC1 but now he sucks and can't compete with most of the characters in this game. Besides, it really doesn't matter what assist Zangief has agaisnt a Cable player because Zangief can't protect his assists and Cable will HVB all day. Posted by Nathan Summers on 08:28:2000 08:32 PM: Don’t waste your time trying to beat Cable with Zangief. It’s impossible. Even if the 1 ranked player in the world was to use Zangief against a fairly decent player using Cable, chances are he’ll still lose very badly. I don’t blame you for being frustrated by Cable, and I don’t have any doubt that you have a lot of skill using such a handicapped character such as Zangief. Don’t get me wrong, Zangief is fun to use. But for someone to insist that Zangief actually has a chance? Every single keep away character will beat Zangief. Who are you trying to convice? Us or yourself? The topic of this post is to beat Cable. Cable can be beaten………..sometimes, but only if you use good characters. There is a couple of ways to find out which characters are the best. The simple way is to find a top tier list. Another way is to watch tourneys to see who the best people use. Actually, a little comic book knowledge doesn’t hurt. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the most powerful characters in the world of marvel comics have also become the most powerful characters in the game. Doom and Blackheart are enemies who fought each other many times in the marvel storyline. But if they were to combine and work together on the same team, the team becomes very powerful. Cyclops and Cable……..father and son. You get the idea. Nathan Summers Posted by DauthiSlayer on 08:29:2000 01:39 AM: True, Zangief has a really hard time against Cable. But sombody above said they would use there other chars against cable and then finish cable off with zangief. Just recently i played a *Very Good* Cable team of Glitched Jugg,Cable,Felica. I did ok i thought, i beat him,and then he came back and picked cable first, and i was sorta 100 blocked viper beams to death. Anyhow, one of the best players at our adult/bar/arcade showed up. He picked Zangief/Colossus/Omega Red. Man, cable was raped with colossus. he always knew when to do colossus "Dash" attack and not take any block damage, while still getting somewhat close. when he got close enough, would just do a combo followed by omega's assist, and then continue the combo in the air, and same thing for 'giefs throw, jump into air and continue it... when collossus got low, he would switch to omega red, and then when the cable player was down to just cable, he switched to 'gief, ate 2 HVB and just FAB him. really awsome match! that cable player just got up and started playing air hockey.. Posted by nemesis on 08:29:2000 09:11 AM: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cool¡¡¡ it prooves that any well played "balanced" team beats a cable team... its just matter of skill¡¡¡ Posted by CharlieOWNZyou on 08:30:2000 08:01 AM: Hmm, dunno aout anyone else, but when I'm playing my DC, and I see zangeif, I know ima get owned, just cuz I have no beam characters, and i rely on dash/jump ins to fight, and the computer catches me in a piledriver everytime I move =) Rogue is also a big dumb dashing dyke. Posted by Temjin on 08:31:2000 01:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by DauthiSlayer: True, Zangief has a really hard time against Cable. But sombody above said they would use there other chars against cable and then finish cable off with zangief. Just recently i played a *Very Good* Cable team of Glitched Jugg,Cable,Felica. I did ok i thought, i beat him,and then he came back and picked cable first, and i was sorta 100 blocked viper beams to death. Anyhow, one of the best players at our adult/bar/arcade showed up. He picked Zangief/Colossus/Omega Red. Man, cable was raped with colossus. he always knew when to do colossus "Dash" attack and not take any block damage, while still getting somewhat close. when he got close enough, would just do a combo followed by omega's assist, and then continue the combo in the air, and same thing for 'giefs throw, jump into air and continue it... when collossus got low, he would switch to omega red, and then when the cable player was down to just cable, he switched to 'gief, ate 2 HVB and just FAB him. really awsome match! that cable player just got up and started playing air hockey.. I'd like to start by saying that I am not a cable player at all. I have witness some decent cable players and wish to share my thoughts. 1) I think their is a misconception here. Ultra (the Great 'Gief defender) and Mouko don't seem to realize that you both aren't seeing the same thing! I combed through the posts very carefully and came to this conclusion (the reason why Ultra thinks he can plow through): Mouko (and anyone else who knows anything about a REAL cable team) knows that Cyclops uses his invincible beta assist (read uppercut). If you look at Ultra's posts, he only lists once the cyke assist he's talking about and it's the (forget which type cause no one uses it with cable here) projectile assist! That's why he thinks 'Gief plus help can penetrate (not that I agree, that's still a hard sell). 2) Everyone seem to jump at the fact that a "Very Good" Cable team was beat by someone with "Zangief, Collosus, and Omega Red." You guys fail to realize that the cable team mentioned (Juggy, Cable, and Felicia) is not a "Very Good" cable team; it's not even a good Cable team. There are 3 elements to a good cable team: 1)Battery 2)Cable (of course...) 3)Anti-air assist (err... Cyclops) This "Very Good" team has only one component (err maybe 2 if Felicia has an antiair assist). Even if Felicia could antiair, this guy had no battery in his team! What the hell was Cable gonna use against his opponent? To make things worse, the members of the cable team don't even work together well! No wonder the cable guy lost! I have faced what I consider a decent cable team many times and have managed to come out ahead very few times. In my personal experience, the best chance of beating Cable without teleporting a lot and using cable is to kill the cable guy's battery before he can charge up and without taking much damage. Once that is accomplished (a lot harder than it sounds), Cable comes out on their side and I pull out Iceman. Now I just sit there and don't do anything aggressive. Since Ice takes no chip and I'm at full screen distance, Cable has to come to me (if I'm wrong and the opposition just sucked, sorry)! When I can pull into that position, I have a pretty good chance. Another thing I do is (I always have Juggy in my team too), try to trade Juggy for Cyke before his cable comes out (dunno if good players ever pull Cyke out before cable starts fighting but Cable people here do use Cyke occasionally before cable arrives). If I can kill Cyke (Headcrush) even if I lose Juggy, I have a slight advantage in the match because Ice versus Cable minus Cyke is a much easier fight. Feel free to call me a moron... Temjin Posted by StiltMan on 09:02:2000 01:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Temjin: I have faced what I consider a decent cable team many times and have managed to come out ahead very few times. In my personal experience, the best chance of beating Cable without teleporting a lot and using cable is to kill the cable guy's battery before he can charge up and without taking much damage. Once that is accomplished (a lot harder than it sounds), Cable comes out on their side and I pull out Iceman. This isn't a bad plan, but even Iceman has to watch himself. If you throw any ice beams on the same horizontal level as Cable, you're baked. In fact, a lot of things Iceman tries to do to Cable gets him baked. This isn't to say that a turtling Iceman isn't a decent "hold the lead" char against Cable, but he has to walk on eggshells to hold this. Iceman can only do block damage by staying in the air and keeping Cable on the ground to block diagonal ice beams. If Cable goes up with you, your block damage is shut down. If Cable throws Cyke's AAA and blocked dash-punches (the ones where Cable throws a glowing punch in a big haymaker motion) he can slowly wear Iceman down to a point where he has to start actually doing things to stay ahead again. Once he's in that position, Cable can bake him on his first mistake. I used to think that Iceman versus Cable was a good matchup... and if Iceman has BH he can play the same sort of thing that Doom does: BH assist, super jump and bomb. However, Iceman can't pin Cable down as well because, obviously, the ice beam doesn't cover as wide an area as a photon charge. However, your assessment that the previous poster was not discussing a good Cable team at all is spot on. Jug/Cable/Felicia is a _horrible_ Cable team. All times are GMT. The time now is 04:37 PM. Show all 45 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.